About Us

  • Palella Holdings represents the culmination of Salvatore Palella's entrepreneurial spirit and vision. From its inception, Palella Holdings has been at the cutting edge of technology and transportation, leading initiatives that redefine industry standards and improve global mobility. Our journey from a pioneering startup to a leader in micro-mobility and tech innovation reflects our commitment to excellence and the relentless pursuit of transforming visionary ideas into tangible solutions. Our success stories, including the global expansion of Helbiz, underscore our impact on the technology landscape.

  • Our mission at Palella Holdings is to revolutionize the landscape of technology and innovation. We strategically invest in and support the brightest minds and groundbreaking projects, driving forward the advancements that shape our future. Our commitment lies in sustainable development, ethical practices, and the empowerment of entrepreneurs to achieve their vision. We are dedicated to creating a world where technology enhances every aspect of life, fostering an environment of growth, learning, and innovation.

Salvatore Palella

“For Palella Holdings, innovation isn't just a goal; it's our way of life. We're not just investing in technology; we're investing in a future where technology creates a more connected, sustainable, and accessible world for everyone. Our journey is about transforming bold visions into reality, one innovative step at a time”

It all begins with an idea.